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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a specific question not answered below? Please reach out!



Are you interested in creative feeding therapy pictured above for your child?


What does feeding therapy look like?

Feeding therapy is more than just getting a child to eat. In reality we do not "get" a child to eat but help them to learn that exploring food is fun and playful! Feeding therapy is about helping the individual gain confidence surrounding food and improving the relationship with food. We often use the SOS Approach to Feeding in our feeding therapy sessions.


Pictured left are tools I love to use during feeding therapy. The first is an ice cube tray which can be used to separate foods and display the pieces in a novel way. This helps individuals sample various foods in a new and exciting way. The other is laminated pictures, kebabs and paper. These are used to decorate and include art and finger play in sessions. Exploring food during a time that is not mealtime sets up a calm and pressure free environment. These are great tips to carryover in the home environment!

Will my insurance cover speech therapy?

Speaking With Siena does not currently accept insurance; however, we provide the proper documentation for you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Common codes required are ICD-10 and CPT codes. Once the proper coding is provided by your speech therapist you can call your insurance carrier to ask about reimbursement, out of pocket maximums, out of network deductibles and more.


Reach out to learn more about coverage!


What are tele-therapy services?

Tele-therapy services are another option for an individuals therapy services. Tele-therapy usually takes place via a HIPAA compliant screen platform. We offer tele-therapy temporarily if family is sick or family simply chooses to do a tele-therapy session for the day. Other reasons clients may prefer tele-therapy:

  • Live in another state or distance

  • Medically fragile

  • Teenager/child prefers video tele-therapy

  • Flexible times

What if I prefer therapy for my child in an office or school instead of my home?

We hold sessions in the location of your choice! We also can mix it up providing some sessions in the home and others in the school environment. Reach out to learn more about location of therapy services. 


What is the parent/caregivers role in therapy services?

We encourage parents and caregivers to be a part of therapy sessions in order to carryover techniques in the home. If parents/caregivers cannot be present or believe the child focuses better with just the therapist, there are other options available for carryover communication. These include email recaps, video demonstration clips from sessions (with signed consent), phone conferences and more. We want to make sure you have all the tools you need to implement effective strategies in the home environment.


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