Our Services
Speaking With Siena provides services in the comfort of your home. Services can also take place in office, daycare, school, tele-therapy or community settings. We offer 30, 45 or 60 minute sessions with the location of your choice. Emphasis is placed on creating a treatment plan to meet each individuals unique needs. Collaboration with multidisciplinary team members, caregivers and carryover are key to helping our client's progress. Please browse below to learn more in depth about each service offered.
Early childhood language
Pre-linguistic language and play skills
Motor speech disorders
Social-pragmatic/play skills
Late talkers
Social challenges
Sensory differences
Neurodiverse differences
Social-pragmatic/play skills
Language differences/disorders
Gestalt language learners
Parent coaching
School observations/consultations
Feeding therapy in the community (restaurants, picnic)
Tele-therapy sessions
Group therapy
Transitioning from bottle to straw/open cup
Exploration of solids foods
Pre-feeding skills
Baby-led weaning
Sensorimotor feeding therapy
SOS Approach to Feeding
Oral motor/placement therapy
Phonological disorders
Articulation disorders
Picky/Problem eaters
Transition to solid foods
Let's start our speech therapy journey!
Ready to explore our services further? Contact us below.