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Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

How is speech therapy different from language therapy? Speech is how we produce our sounds and words. Speech therapy includes articulation, voice and fluency. We are here to help your child be understood better by others! We know it is difficult when others cannot understand what your child is verbally communicating. First, a thorough evaluation will be conducted to determine the cause of your child's speech difficulty.


During the evaluation we will examine if your child may have a speech delay or disorder, articulation delay/disorder or phonological disorder.  A speech disorder may include a stutter, difficulty pronouncing early sounds or voice problems. An articulation delay is when sounds are not acquired typically and an articulation disorder is when sounds are developed in an atypical way. There are several strategies to assist an individual depending on the type of speech therapy needed including PROMPT technique, Oral Placement Therapy, Phonological processes Therapy, Articulation therapy, tactile cues, simultaneous productions and more.


Visit to learn more about speech and language norms.

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